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Our Interview Process

We Try to “Hire Slow”... Quickly
At Co:Create, we know how difficult the interviewing process can be, for both candidates and for companies. We strive to make sure we identify candidates who are a great fit - quickly and intelligently.
To do that, we utilize a structured interview process that helps you learn about us, and us learn about you, as efficiently as possible.
We have outlined a typical interview process below, though it may vary from position to position, for example, have a slightly different path.

For Most Roles:

Step 1: A Background Interview

After you have applied, and we have reviewed your application, we may do a quick 15-30 minute video call with a member of the team, to assess whether there is a mutual fit and interest. During this call, we will ask some basic questions about your background. You will have the opportunity to ask questions as well.

Step 2: In-Depth Interview

This interview is typically with your hiring manager and another team member you will work with closely. Here, we will discuss your background, and how it applies to the current role.
We want to give you the opportunity to tell your career story.
We want to know about your professional journey. What skills, lessons, and battle scars have you picked up along the way.
We will give you the roles “Mission & Outcomes”, which is what we believe are the core outcomes the role will need to achieve prior to the interview. That will help you better understand what we think the role needs, and help you craft your story in a way that speaks to those needs.

Step 3: Panel Interview

The next step is a panel interview, where you will get to meet with several teammates at once.
This interview is a structured behavioral interview. That means we are going to ask you questions about your past experiences. We will ask questions like “Tell us about an example of a time where you surprised or thrilled someone with your work?” or “Tell us about a time when you had to change priorities quickly.” We are not going to ask you to speculate on some hypothetical “how many golf balls fit in a DAO” question.
The best way to prepare is to come with good stories about accomplishments you are proud of and failures you’ve learned from.
We want to know about your past experiences - good and bad. The best way to prepare is to come with good stories about accomplishments you are proud of and failures you’ve learned from. Bonus points if those stories relate to the job description and our company values. The interview will take an hour, and you will have a chance to ask questions at the end.
We love this interview because it is proven to remove bias from the interview process and focus on the areas of your background that matter most for the job and for our company values.

Step 4: Meet the CEO

Step 4 is meeting with the CEO. This is a free-flowing conversation that allows us to dig into the company, your career, and your future.
This interview is as much about you interviewing us as us interviewing you.
We will dive deep, and give you the opportunity to do the same. This interview is as much about you interviewing us as us interviewing you. Depending on the position, this interview may take 1-2 hours.

Step 5: References.

Finally, we will be checking references. No matter how well we interview, we can’t possibly know you as well as your references do. We will also do a job verification prior to your start date.

Optional: You Interview Us

After Step 5, we will extend (hopefully you) our offer. Before you accept, is there anyone else you want to meet? Are there team members you want to talk to again, in more detail? If so, we want to give you that opportunity.

That’s It... usually.

We try to move fast, in a very intentional way. We’re convinced this process allows you to figure out whether we are a good fit for your career, and vice versa. It does so in a way that allows your background to shine, removes bias, and prevents you from having the same conversation multiple times.
For certain roles, we may need additional steps in order to let you fully shine, and for us to fully understand what you are capable of. These are discipline specific. That may be a written assignment, a coding exercise, or graphic design assignment, or a conversation with an outside advisor.

For Engineers:

Step 1: A Background Interview

After you have applied, and we have reviewed your application, we may do a quick 15-30 minute video call with a member of the team, to assess whether there is a mutual fit and interest. During this call, we will ask some basic questions about your background. You will have the opportunity to ask questions as well.

Step 2: Take Home Assignment

The next step in the process is a take home assignment. Show us what you can do! The challenge is not make work, but is a real assessment of a problem we are currently facing.
The challenge is not make work, but is a real assessment of a problem we are currently facing.

Step 3: An In-Depth Interview

The next step in the process is a in-depth interview with our Head of Engineering and another team member.
You’ll discuss the take home assessment. You’ll to discuss your knowledge, experience, and past projects. This will let you get into great detail about your prior work that the author of this webpage couldn’t dream to understand (though he pretends to sometimes).
It’s an opportunity to brag about yourself and your prior accomplishments, and the lessons you’ve learned.
Don’t be humble. It’s an opportunity to brag about yourself and your prior accomplishments, and the lessons you’ve learned. It’s also an opportunity to learn all about us and what you’d be building.

Step 4: Panel Interview

The next step is a panel interview, where you will get to meet with several teammates at once.
This interview is a structured behavioral interview. That means we are going to ask you questions about your past experiences. We will ask questions like “Tell us about an example of a time where you surprised or thrilled someone with your work?” or “Tell us about a time when you had to change priorities quickly.” We are not going to ask you to speculate on some hypothetical “how many golf balls fit in a DAO” question.
The best way to prepare is to come with good stories about accomplishments you are proud of and failures you’ve learned from.
We want to know about your past experiences - good and bad. The best way to prepare is to come with good stories about accomplishments you are proud of and failures you’ve learned from. Bonus points if those stories relate to the job description and our company values. The interview will take an hour and 15 minutes. and you will have a chance to ask questions at the end.
We love this interview because it is proven to remove bias from the interview process and focus on the areas of your background that matter most for the job and for our company values.

Step 5: References.

Finally, we will be checking references. No matter how well we interview, we can’t possibly know you as well as your references do. We will also do a job verification prior to your start date.

Optional: You Interview Us

After Step 5, we will extend (hopefully you) our offer. Before you accept, is there anyone else you want to meet? Are there team members you want to talk to again, in more detail? If so, we want to give you that opportunity.

That’s It!

That’s it. We try to move fast, in a very intentional way. We’re convinced this process allows you to figure out whether we are a good fit for your career, and vice versa. It does so in a way that allows your background to shine, removes bias, and prevents you from having the same conversation multiple times.

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